Hi everybody!
I think over in the USA it’s officially Election Day. Regardless of what happens, I believe things are going to get really ugly. I’ve seen some general nastiness on both sides of the two-party fence and it gets a little too much. To combat this a little, I’ve decided to stay off social media for a while.
One of my morning rituals is to go through and check most of my social media and it’s a hard one to beat, but so far, so good! I have a general need to check on my family to see how they’re doing (and especially my friend who got an unfortunate case of the coronavirus). It’s been hard not to go to Facebook for that reason, but I am also more at ease with things right now. Instead of frustrated from reading people’s general stupidity, I am just sitting down and working on small bits and pieces of my website(s). There’s nothing too exciting to report there because it’s more about taking code out that I don’t need–something that’s way overdue.
Anyway, I can’t avoid the news and the inevitable forever. I, for one, think about half of Americans are afraid of change and the same half are incredibly stubborn, selfish, and they don’t care about people in general. I don’t understand how some people have no humanity or sympath for those having a hard time. That’s not the kind of America I want, but unfortunately, when you’re from Texas, that’s against the grain.
That’s all from me for now. That’s why I haven’t visited or posted to Twitter or Mastodon lately. I will be back of course! I just need to keep the stress level down, go to the post office and pick up my 10 boxes of incense, and drive my husband around who refuses to drive himself anywhere if he doesn’t have to. Have I mentioned that I hate driving? It’s a little hard to do when “civilisation” is about an hour away.
Oh, and if you’re American, and someone didn’t vote the same way you did, still be kind to them. Be compassionate (as much as possible). Even if things don’t go your way, you can still be a decent human being. The best of luck and let’s hope for the best. (Though I have a sinking feeling we’re in for four more years of pain.)
I’ll check in with you later! Much love.