Shifting Priorities
Over the past few years, my priorities have shifted from web and media development to my other career. This other job keeps me away from the computer and is physically and mentally demanding. With the purchase of land and a house, I’ve had less free time to spend here.
I’ve also had a personal website since 1998. I’ve shared and overshared with the general public too long. I am older and wiser now and sharing private aspects of my life is no longer necessary. It’s also not very interesting. My life is, in a word, mundane. No one cares. (It’s okay. I wouldn’t care either if I was a stranger peeking in.)
Podcasting and Stuff
It’s been hard to maintain my podcast. I would keep making plans to record, and when the day would come, I would find something else to do with my time. Instead of telling myself that I am going to record, I am going to be realistic and say that I am officially cancelling my podcast.
You may find that the feed (if you’re subscribed via Apple Podcasts or Google Podcasts) is no longer available. Old episodes will be removed at some point. We’ll pretend like they didn’t exist.
That didn’t work from day one and I had a feeling that it wouldn’t. I’m not planning to stream on a regular schedule. I may do it, but it will be unannounced and will only happen when I have free time.
Online Presence
I am not disappearing but I am not going out of my way to promote myself or to overshare on this weblog. People who want to stay in contact with me are encouraged to do so, but I won’t force you.
My online business will live on. I need to have websites and stuff. Web domain registrations are relatively cheap so I’ll be around. I need to keep my technology skills sharp, so here I will remain.
Chatting and Messaging
I haven’t been chatty for a long time. Many friends complain that I don’t talk to them. If you understood what kind of job I had, you’d understand that my time alone is very precious and extremely necessary. Typing is annoying, but if you want to try your luck, find me on Telegram.
Social Media
I hate Twitter. I hate Facebook (but it’s a necessary evil for close friends and family). I hate Tik Tok. I hate Instagram. It doesn’t leave much choice, does it?
I do post on Mastodon.
Things Do Change and Things WILL Change
I’m forever going to be interested in technology. That will never change.
I don’t know what’s going to happen. I don’t know if there will never be another podcast or if I’ll miraculously start trusting social media again. Who knows?
General Housekeeping
In case you had an account here, it has been removed. Your login is no longer needed or necessary. You should have received an email about it. If you didn’t, take a closer look in your mailbox.
Redirection links ( links) will no longer work.
Into the Future
Updating this weblog is no longer a priority for me. If you’re curious about what’s happening, follow me on Mastodon. As I said above, things may change. It’s hard for me to stay away from the web because as I’ve said numerous times: this is a therapy for me. Coding helps me forget about my problems, but it can also cause additional problems, such as things never being completely finished. I want to stay away from that as much as I can and focus my time and life on taking care of myself and my wonderful husband.
Until we meet again (or when I need therapy), take care of yourselves!