First and foremost: I’m not begging. I am just merely informing. Whether you do any of these or none of all, that’s totally up to you. There are several ways to help support my projects but the one I “push” mostly is the option to support me with coffee.

For Christmas this year, I bought us a Nespresso VertuoPlus coffee machine. They’ve got these funny-looking capsules that are easy to use and a bit convenient, so the “buy me a coffee” option will be used for the coffee machine.
The coffee capsules I like are about AUD$1 each. The service I use doesn’t really let me take amounts of $1, so your $3 will get me about 3 of them. That’s like a day supply for me and my lovely husband.
If I feel like I’ve had enough caffeine, the rest of any support is used to make improvements to my projects. That can mean buying or updating/upgrading hardware and software, paying the hosting bill, or for other services.
You can use the Buy Me a Coffee support option by using the button below. If you do, please let me know and I’ll hook you up with some extra stuff. (I also have to asterisk that and say that an account here is required for those extras.)