I’ve always got an excuse why I don’t post new podcast episodes, stream, or update my weblog and of course, today is no different. Things have been really busy lately.
I could lie and tell you that I haven’t just discovered No Man’s Sky but I won’t do that. That’s why I’ve been so busy. It’s why I haven’t been able to do anything else.
I’m going to be trying a few new things with what you hear and what you see. Here is what I’m thinking:
Podcasting: I’ve basically been struggling to find any motivation to record new podcast episodes. One of the real struggles of living in a rural area is that nothing happens. COVID-19 has made that even worse. You’d think that I’d have more time to blow because of it, but I don’t. I am considered “essential”. I don’t have an option to work from home. Besides work, nothing exciting has been happening.
Streaming: My work hours have been very unpredictable. Basically, I am on call on weekends. That’s when I think streaming game play works best. My dates have to be moved around a lot. I’m going to try to get it started soon. If you’d like to follow me on Twitch, go here.