I decided against going back home for the weekend so I can focus myself on a ton of stuff that I need to do. I haven’t actually started on that stuff yet. I had to go pick up some caffeine and sugar first. (I’ve got a lot of typing to do for studies. I’m almost done though.)
I kind of miss my husband though I admit. I saw the question below:

The quick and easy answer: yes.
The longer version is that I would love to stay with him because it means we could do a lot of good things for ourselves and other people. We’re both people who love to help others and I think we could do a lot of good. I think we could live a very nice life together, quit our stressful jobs, and do whatever we wanted.
Having said that, I wouldn’t leave anybody if I won a lot of money. I really love my relationship with my husband. I don’t tell him that a lot, but he’s been a really wonderful guy and takes care of me and others so well. People like that in their personal and professional lives need nice surprises.
Okay, that’s all I’ll say for now. I need to get this studying started. I hope everyone is well, especially those back home in Texas who are dealing with yet another hurricane.