When the Anxiety Takes Over

My anxiousness has crept up on me again and it’s been a bit of a nuisance. For anybody who doesn’t experience ongoing anxiety, consider yourself lucky.

When I explain it to people, I explain it like this: You know that first day worry and anxiousness you have on the first day of working in a new place? That’s what I experience every day that I go to work. I am anxious about many things, more than half will probably not happen. It can get debilitating. It sometimes makes me physically sick. I have missed a lot of work because it’s so easy to work myself up into a frenzy. I love my work 90% of the time. I love what I do, but that fear of not doing a good job lingers.

I have the same feeling sometimes in public. It’s constant worrying. For example, did I shave my head right? Does it have stripes on the back of my head that I missed? Is it red? Is it razor burnt? Everybody sees it and they’re judging me for being sloppy and unkempt. In reality, people don’t scrutinize that much, but my brain doesn’t accept that all the time.

Today I was at the gym and was worried about everybody looking at me. Am I doing things right? Do they notice that I shake a lot? In reality, no one really cares. My brain just didn’t accept that.

It has been really bad in the past without it being controlled. I control it a bit with medication, but I use cognitive behaviour therapy as well to help myself. Lately it’s just been a bit sloppy. I don’t know why and it kind of bothers me a bit.

A lot of what I DON’T do is because this anxiety takes over. I could be so much more productive and happy without it. Some days I don’t let it bother me. It’s just hard to do lately. I don’t release my projects to the public because of it.

My husband is my mental health expert. It’s hard sometimes because he’s able to diffuse some of my negative thinking patterns and make me realise that I am overthinking things. It has been up to me to get by since I moved.

While out today after the first workout I’ve had in a very long time, I thought about my life in general and need to make some changes. I want to unleash my full potential. I’ll get there, but it will take time. But you know something? I think that’s totally acceptable to me.


So the podcast episode posting didn’t really happen this month. I don’t even know if the one I recorded in the car will even see the light of day yet. That’s okay. I’ve been pretty slack with updating that or anything here, so hopefully you’ll forgive me.

How are things going for me? Eh, they’ve been kind of crappy. I have had a serious lack of energy lately so I haven’t really done anything outside work and that’s incredibly sad.

Husband’s off in India and I’m kind of sitting around waiting for him to come back already. He just left last weekend and let’s not forget that I am living more or less by myself. I wanted to go to India, but I’ve got too much happening around me at the moment. Too many commitments. That’s not very fun.

I’m going to try to record very soon, remembering that I might be repeating myself a little bit. That’s okay, right?

I’m just perpetually sick and tired and I wish that I could just feel better at some point.

July Brings New Podcast Episodes

UPDATE: Yeah, that didn’t happen. This podcast episode will probably be scrapped. I haven’t had the time and/or energy to edit it and all that. I’m going to try to get one out (re-recorded or not) this month.

I’ve started recording podcast episodes again. Still, I am not committing to a set schedule, but I thought that I would record while I drive from place to place. I feel as if this makes the time pass a little faster and helps me formulate and process the thoughts I have in my head. I recorded in mid-June and thought I would post the whole thing at once, but my recording ended up being over 1.5 hours, so I will slice it into two parts.

For those with an account, you can listen about 3-5 days early. I had planned to upload the first on 1 July, but that will be moved to next week due to some unexpected health issues. They’ll need a bit of editing.

To see general information about these new episodes, go to https://cnoi.se/ or https://www.complicatednoise.com/ and make your way to the podcast section.

I am going to try to post at least a monthly podcast episode. We’ll see.


Hi there. Before I start just let me preface this by saying that I’m posting from my phone which will mean this will be short and sweet. Oh, and there may be terrible grammar in here too.

I’ve been busy. I can’t explain why my work life has exploded. I haven’t even really worked more hours or anything but the work I’m doing is more strenuous. Maybe that’s why I feel so worn out.

I’m also feeling like the anxiety is starting to creep in. There are reasons for that because of the job I work in but it’s at a bad level. Let me show you what it’s been like courtesy of my smart watch.

Let me explain. You can see when I’m at home (probably asleep) vs when I’m at work. A heart rate that is over 100 beats per minute is considered tachycardia. This is at rest. I say that loosely though. I am incredibly anxious at work but a lot of it is physical too. Hours of having a high heart rate from doing something that isn’t strenuous isn’t great.

I’m incredibly out of shape too. Not big or chubby but out of shape. I’m going to try to work on this because my strength is so low lately. My husband has resisted my requests to go back to the gym for a few years because I’m usually happy to pay more for bigger facilities that has a pool. I think I’m going to go back because my lack of strength and energy is scary.

Did I mention that my blood pressure that day was very high too? Scary stuff. This is the kind of stuff that has made a lot of my family member’s lives miserable. I need to break that cycle.

I wish myself luck.

Mr. Empty Moneybags

My hand/wrist/arm is starting to bother me again, but at least I can still type without it hurting too much, so who knows how long this one’s going to be.

Things are getting more expensive. I was given a notice from the real estate agency that my rent is going up almost $400 per month. I just told them a few weeks ago that I was happy to extend my rental lease for another 6 months instead of a year. There is a bit of uncertainty of when (or where) the husband and I are moving in together while our house is being built.

Yesterday, I received a reminder about my car registration that’s due next month. That’s a bit more than $800 a year. Luckily, I can split that up into 2 or 4 payments (possibly three?). When I bought my car, it was paid upfront and it was a little cheaper. Back in Texas, I remember our vehicle registration cost being about $80 per year, of course that was like 15+ years ago.

I’m also studying full-time next semester so I can make an extra $10-20 per hour one of these days. I asked for a decrease of my contracted hours at work for this reason. Now I’m regretting it because I will need these hours.

Money’s tight and I am starting to feel the pressure. I don’t know how people get by, honestly. Luckily, I don’t have any serious financial issues. I don’t have overdue bills and don’t struggle to pay a bulk of my bills (for now). I have plenty of food and I have a nice place that’s walking distance from the beach. That’s why I say that I don’t know how a lot of people afford to live day to day, especially when they rely on a pension to get by. I feel for them.

It’s just really expensive to even exist in Australia right now and the pressure is on for me to cut costs again, so this is what I’ve done:

  • Coffee Subscription: No more coffee capsules delivered to my place (monthly or bimonthly). I’ve saved $25 per month.
  • Elder Scrolls Online: No more ESO subscription. It’s actually good value for the money, but lately I find myself just logging in and then logging out for the daily bonus. I maybe play for about 2 hours once or twice per week. I’ve saved $14 per month there.
  • Unlimited grocery deliveries: This is a convenience thing for me because I hate shopping and my erratic work hours make this difficult. BUT it’s unnecessary. And I’m also tired of ordering something and getting the lactose and gluten free equivalents because someone wasn’t paying attention to what I ordered. Anyway, I’ve saved $15 a month from this.
  • Electronics buying sprees: I’ve cut down on this quite a bit lately because I’ve got plenty of stuff that I don’t use. It’s nice to have and it keeps me from spending money entertaining myself. The savings are limitless!
  • Unnecessary traveling: I still do casual work when I go see my husband but I’ve cut that down too because fuel prices have gotten so bad. I’m going there about once per month now if I have additional work to do. My car is a hybrid, but it still costs me a bit to drive back and forth. It is an 8 hour return drive… I thought about trading my car in for something smaller, but decided against it.

Small changes will add up. I really don’t want to go back to living the way that I used to: miserable and poor. I just wish things were more affordable. My jobs are already stressful and I don’t want to have to work more to make ends meet, but if that’s what I have to do, then that’s what I’m going to do.

I’m also considering going back to the gym because my strength is complete garbage right now. I’m tired of having everybody do my heavy lifting.

That’s all for now. I need to stay awake for a while so that I can sleep during the day. See everybody later!

Almost a Year

This morning I received an email from my real estate company asking whether I would like to renew my lease on my apartment. My initial reaction was “what did I do?!” I quickly realised that it’s almost been a whole year since I moved from the rural town I lived in for almost four years—with my husband.

A year already? Wow. Time sure does fly and it seems to get closer to Mach speed the older I get. My 20s feel like they were 5 years ago. I think about all the things I’ve done and it feels like just yesterday.

In case you’ve missed it, my partner and I have a plot of land and we’ll be building next year. I am guessing early-2023. I’ve got an option to renew my lease for 6 or 12 months so I am hoping that the landlord will accept 6 with an option to extend it if I need to because we all know that things can happen and with all the collapses of home builders in Australia, it would make me feel better.

I’d say the last year has gone pretty okay. If I could stop getting injuries and health problems though, that would be absolutely perfect.

What a [toenail] Ripper…

I’ve been really busy lately with work and decided a couple of days ago that I would temporarily cut my contracted number of hours a little. I still have the freedom to work as much as I want to, but the minimum number of hours I work will fall. This is also temporary too… just so I can get some of my happiness back. I don’t want to overdo it, though I love what I do. And no matter how I ache, I usually like to go because it pays my bills and lifestyle of coffee, KFC, and cheese pizzas.

The other morning, after I finished work, I thought it would be a good idea to run up my stairs with a blanket. Being the clumsy oaf that I am, I fell and somehow tore my toenail halfway off my toe. I’ve been hobbling around. Working has been a little painful, but I still manage.

I don’t want to gross anybody out by including a picture of it, but my toenail has been torn halfway up my toenail. It surprisingly doesn’t hurt as much as I thought that it would. But it also sucks too because I am a very fast walker. It’s slowed me down a bit. I don’t like that.

Otherwise, things are okay. I am just sick of having one injury and before that fully heals, get another one. It bites. I’m good though.

March Update

Hi everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve written anything here and I thought I’d throw an update your way. Right now, I am having to take some time off from work due to an injury. I can’t really tell you how I did it, but my arm, wrist, and hand is screwed up. Doing anything with my hand is a bit irritating. No amount of pain relief is helping but the pain isn’t constant so that’s a plus, right? The palm of my hand constantly hurts though. That sucks.

Otherwise, I am okay. I get a bit bummed out lately since I can’t do much of anything fun. Everything seems to take me a lot longer to get done and that makes me quite sad. It does, however, make me have more sympathy for people who have permanently lost all their function in their limbs. I am having to learn new ways to do things. Even typing this is uncomfortable.

That’s why this won’t be too long.

I am also thinking of adding a new podcast episode soon, but we’ll see how that goes. Downtime does this to you.

Music work has been paused too.

I hope everybody out there is doing well and taking care of yourselves. Hopefully we’ll see you around. 🙂

Trimming Things Down

Hello, all.

A few changes are coming. And I am under a huge amount of stress. And I might be a little crazy. (But that’s okay… and expected.)

Removing Twitter Integration

Celebrate, for this is the last Twitter notification for a new post at my weblog! I don’t read my Twitter feed anymore. I don’t even post anything anymore except the odd complaint about how tired and exhausted I am. You’re saved.

Having said that though, it would be responsible of me to let you know that you can follow my boring antics at Mastodon. At least I know Mastodon doesn’t make it their business model to follow me around on the Internet.

Removing Telegram Integration Too

Does anybody even realise that this is a thing? No? Okay, then.

Also, this will be the last notification at Telegram because blog posts are becoming so rare–what’s the point?

There will be no more updates being sent to the chatroom and I am thinking that chatroom probably won’t be around very long either…

New Podcast Episodes? No Thanks.

I have no plans right now to record. I’m just not interested right now. Now, if something changes somehow by a miracle, I might start again. I guess this isn’t the end of it, but damn it, it’s close.

Website Redesign… Slowly

Most of my website revolves around regularly updating my podcast which hasn’t happened since October 2021. I will do a bit of work here and there to defocus the podcast component.

As I’ve mentioned in passing, I don’t know whether I will continue all of this next year.

Why Is This F***ing Happening

The past several months have been brutal at times. My calendar of events has turned into a mess of “go to work, go home, travel for 4 hours, go to work at another job, stay with my partner, travel 4 hours, and go home” then rinse and repeat. It’s exhausting and I’m struggling to cope at times. If I can stop stressing over stuff that doesn’t matter (like podcasting), I will have some time to sit back and unwind.

It’s so hard to relax and I don’t think that this post really reflects my feelings. I am back to being on edge again. That’s not a good thing. At the end of the day, my mental health is most important. I am not sorry. I am tired of being afraid to say “no”. I’m just over it.

If you do want to stay in touch, you can message me via Telegram, message me through my site or follow me with Mastodon. I am not disappearing because I am “too busy”. I’m just removing a lot of the BS in my life right now. Podcasting and talking about my problems with myself or others no longer has a therapeutic effect for me. I am tackling it on my own with a better mindset and it’s been the only thing that hasn’t pulled me down a hole of self-loathing and sadness. I am okay. I just need to chill the fuck out a bit.

See you around? I hope so!

A Very Possible End to an Era

Hi folks! I know that my posts here and new podcast episodes have begun to get more and more irregular for the past year and if you actually read this and somehow look forward to new content, I apologise. It has been a very brutal couple of years.

First, I’d like to say thank you for reading. I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t believe I had some kind of audience. I know that audience has shrunk over the past few years and I accept that.

I am becoming more and more reluctant to discuss my private life and inner thoughts because I realise so much can be regurgitated and thrown in my face later. What goes up on the internet can possibly stick around forever. I’ve found the amount of oversharing I’ve done over the past 20+ years is alarming and well, I am growing very tired of it. My personal website is suffering and I’ve thought about just quitting quite a few times. Every time I try to, I come back because I like being creative. I see web design sometimes as an artistic craft. I like digital art.

What I am trying to say is that it is very possible that this will be my final year with a personal website. I might try to keep it around for my more creative projects if I can get to the point where I want to SHARE that with people. Who knows. As I’ve said before, every time I try to stop, I end up coming back. Do I fight the urge or do I let things go?

The podcast is suffering as well. I know I’ve had 3 or 4 restarts of it because my interest comes and goes. I tried to motivate myself by making a posting schedule as a guideline. Obviously, that hasn’t worked because the last one I recorded was back in October. The next one has been moved about 6 or 7 times now. That’s not good. Again, it’s about not sharing so much. I’m happy to keep it around, but if I do continue it, I want it to be a little showcase of the stuff I make.

I’m going to see how the year goes. I am still developing my website, but I am removing things going forward.

As always, I hope this finds you well. I hope everything is going well for you. I will be around in one form or another, but I am guessing you’re going to have to make some effort to find me.

Down, But Not Out

I’ve been a bit quiet lately.

Do I have the holiday blues? Not really. One of the things I’ve learned to accept is that I only want to do Christmas when it’s cold. There aren’t any decorations in my house. There aren’t any reminders that Christmas is only 5 days away.

Things are a little harder these days and I seem to want to be alone more. The only person I really want to see or interact with is my partner because he helps me put my thoughts into perspective. He does a really good job with that. He’s well-equipped for that academically and professionally. When I am feeling low, he’s my go-to person. At the same time, I don’t want to burden him with my issues, because I know my poor guy lives in a stressful world of his own. One of the hardest things for me to accept is that there are people who are happy to listen to my issues and problems.

I’ve just been down lately but as weird as it sounds, I am not feeling depressed. I am just down because my money isn’t lasting as long as it used to. Since I’ve moved, I’ve been struggling a bit more, but at the same time, I am not suffering. I’d like to save more though. The fact that I’m not able to save more is really bothering me because I am going to be paying a mortgage soon. I feel like I just finished paying my overdue debts from when I moved here permanently. (I made quite a few bad decisions–like not paying my bills.)

My primary job is really stressful and I try to limit going overboard with it so I can stay sane. I just need to work more and that in turn is adding to my stress. I’m also separated from my partner as well. I do get pretty excited when I get to see him. I get to see him on Wednesday afternoon, but who’s counting down? I absolutely love this guy and I’d love to share more of our lives together, but well, yeah, I know we have to keep things a bit under wraps publicly.

It could be worse, maybe?

So yeah, I am working nights mostly. I sleep during the day and I am awake at night. I woke up at 11 pm, got up and played ARK and here I am now at 5 am. Things are quiet when I have nights off. I kind of like it sometimes, but it’s so weird because I don’t answer messages and calls because I feel like I’m sleeping all the time. It’s why I haven’t been able to do much with my websites lately.

So, yeah, it’s just a temporary down. I find the good things in every crappy situation and it helps. It lasts for a day or two, and then I am fine. It doesn’t last weeks like it used to. I just wish things were a bit more manageable and wish that my partner was a bit closer. I also realise that people are doing it worse than I am right now. I am very grateful I have a job and a place I like (though all the damned moths are driving me insane).

I shall be back with a podcast episode soon, I hope. I have picked up a few more work days so don’t expect anything long and magical. That’s all from me. Thanks for listening.

Today’s Podcast Episode is Cancelled

I didn’t know where I should post this, so I am posting it here. Podcasting hasn’t really been a priority for me lately, so I have cancelled my next planned podcast episode. That means that will try really hard to care enough to do another one before the end of the year. We will see whether that happens or not.

Moving to my own space that I don’t depend on my partner to share costs makes money a bit tight, so I’ve had to work a bit more. Working more makes me more tired and of course that makes me care a lot less. My hosting costs have gone up around 33% as well, so believe me, I have thought about abandoning everything. I decided against it because this is my therapy. Believe me, right now I need this more than I have needed it in years.

In the upcoming year, I want to focus less on podcasting and more on my other projects. I’ve also made the decision to wind down my IT consulting. I have this problem of wanting to do too many things at the same time, so I am stepping back in hopes that it will improve my mental health. It’s having a bit of a rough run right now, and instead of letting things get bad, I thought maybe I should try to enjoy living a bit more. It’s hard to do when you’re spending most of your time at work. Of course, if you love what you do, that’s good, right?

I like what I do. I don’t always love it, but I am happy with what I’m doing now. I’ve had a week off and heading back tomorrow.

Didn’t I just say that I needed to work more? Yes. I am working all my required hours in one clump, and then “relaxing” later. I am not broke. I am not having money problems, but my partner regularly informs me that we’re building a house next year and gets angry every time I think about doing anything for myself.

Oh well.

So this is a little bit of what I would have put in a podcast episode. Some people don’t like to read. I don’t blame you. And right now, I’m sick of hearing about peoples’ problems.

I’m gonna go for now. I am also rewriting the code to my website. It looks similar, but quite a lot is being removed… mostly code is being removed that isn’t optimised or is not being used. Whatever makes it function better. New media player. New feedback options. That kind of thing.

I’m outta here. Take care of yourselves.

Random Stuff in November

Wow! The new year is just around the corner and what a socially isolated year it has been. I can probably count the number of times I posted here on my fingers and toes. I guess that’s what happens when you can’t go anywhere and do anything.

So what’s happening for the rest of the year for me?


Two more episodes are coming (as far as I’ve planned). Both are kind of those “obligatory” episodes–the giving thanks and Christmas-time/end-of-year one. I’m just going to explain what my blessings have been over the year and what is coming in the year ahead (if everything goes nicely).


I am really struggling to justify why I even have a personal website and have told people that this upcoming year is probably the last year. I say that a lot, but it rarely happens. So… who knows what’s going to happen. I am working on stuff though, mostly the link router code, podcast guide code, and media player. I’m actually currently working on all three in my spare time.

Spare Time?

I don’t have much due to my new job and travelling, sadly. So progress is a bit slow.

Lemonade in the Machine

I spilled lemonade (the equivalent of Sprite or 7-up) in my keyboard. Boo.

Watching the Case for Luxuries

I want to update my Apple Watch from the series 4 to the latest. Because I keep getting sick and have a very small amount of sick hours, I can’t get that right now. It’s a luxury that I can do without. It’s the first time in a while that my finances are very tight. I am okay, but if you think you don’t have money, you will spend less, right?

Accounting and Coffee

I don’t know if you knew, but if you have an account at my website, you can access not-so-public stuff like podcast episodes that aren’t on the feed and some of my music. If you support me with 3 coffees, I’ll give you access to that for about a year. Just tell me through the contact form after you sign up for an account, and I’ll credit you.

I will warn you that not a lot is available at the moment, but there is some new content. Right now, anybody with an account can access the hidden stuff so you don’t have to give me coffee if you don’t want to. I do like coffee though! 😉


There’s not much more to say except that I am not posting much on Twitter or this blog lately. I use Mastodon instead. Follow me if you want to.

What Happens Now?

It’s that time of the year: my hosting account needs a sacrifice of money to continue. Fun fact though: I have paid next year’s hosting about 6 months ago. I’ve had a personal website since 1998 and I have been oversharing what happens in my life since then.

I have been documenting some aspects of my life for a really long time. In hindsight, I have made a ton of mistakes and probably have ruined any chance I have running for any political office due to my sometimes not-so-popular opinions.

The Internet has allowed me to open up about things and get things off my chance over the years which is a good thing. There were times when I thought I was alone only to find that I wasn’t. Sometimes I think the connection with like-minded individuals probably saved my life. I’m so thankful for that.

Until I discovered this big online world, I was shy and well, I didn’t have many friends. Of course, a lot of that was due to my upbringing. I like my quiet life mostly. I don’t think I would really enjoy getting attention. I don’t know how I would handle that, but I have to say that I can see how celebrities go off the deep end at times.

Lately, and especially since I moved away from my partner, I have felt like I want some attention. I need some form of social interaction but living in a “new” place makes it a bit hard. Sure, I’ve got extended family there, but I don’t feel like I can rush there every time I get sad, lonely, and unhappy.

As I write this, I am in my “old” place with my husband and I am pretty happy. I miss the guy a lot even if he irritates me sometimes. It will be hard to return home when I have to go in a few days.

I will be fine. I chose this lonely sort of life but at the same time, I know that I have the support of strangers which, in a way, makes me feel better.

Rambling completed. It’s nice to have you here, even if you just read. 🙂

Happy Halloween

Here’s hoping that you have a scary Halloween! Stuff your face of treats and don’t forget to scare the piss out of your friends!

woman in black dress standing on brown dried leaves
Photo by Monstera on Pexels.com

I don’t really do the Halloween thing in Australia and I am a little jealous when I see all my family and friends having a good time. Whatever you do, be safe and stay healthy! 🙂