I’ve been planning to stream gameplay for a long time, then get to the date that it happens and realise that I’ve either scheduled it on a work day, scheduled it on a day where I have a lot of stuff to do, or scheduled it on a day that I am not going to be ready.

My Extra Life event has been moved to the next Saturday it was originally scheduled. Instead of doing it on the 7 November, I will be doing it on 14 November. The times have not changed. If you’d like to take a look at the time equivalents in the USA, you can check out my page on Extra Life.
Tonight’s scheduled gameplay stream is moved up three weeks. I have a lot of stuff happening in the next two weeks. I am also really struggling with my seasonal allergies at the moment so I’ve been fueled on Benadryl which makes me very sleepy when I take it.
My next planned podcast episode hasn’t been changed [yet], but it’s scheduled for 16 October anyway. I’m planning to record over a few days of the next three weeks.
November will be a lot less busy for me. I’ll be in Australia in December this year and have told them that I am available for work, so I’m sure they’ll take advantage of that.
I’ll see you guys around. I hope everybody’s doing well. I will be honest that I am a bit more down lately because I don’t have much quality time for myself. I’m going to try to get myself back into a good mental space.
Thanks for being here, as always. I appreciate it.